Shopping Pal's Privacy Policy

A few of these web search services are provided by Shopping Pal and powered by Shopping Pal search partners.

This browser extension (hereinafter “Service” or “Extensions” or “Shopping Pal”) provides a platform that will customize your search-result page and your search provider. This page and "Shopping Pal" EULA/Terms of Service ("Terms") will show you terms of your use of these extensions.

User’s info we collect

We chose to not collect and use users information, but other search engines may receive users information when provided.

For example if you search for a product or any other query, other search engines may collect some of your data, such as your email address, country, telephone number, websites, search history, title and nickname. Unlike other search sites, we respect all our user’s privacy.

When you use or interact with the Service or the Extension, we and similar third-party vendors and/or service providers alike, could use certain technologies able to automatically or passively collect information about how the Extension is used and accessed (“Usage Information”).

Usage Information may, in part, include users operating system, browser type, geographic location based on your IP address, page served, url visited, current time, browser type and other information transmitted in http requests.

Usually Usage Information are non-identifying, but to the extent Usage Information, they may be associated with you as an identifiable person (for example you may have registered for the Service) and thereby provided us with your personal information (examples: name, email, telephone number, home address) that we will treat as “Personal Information” and use only for purposes described in the Privacy Policy.

Standard User Data

Logging onto the network, our servers will collect some elements of standard information; for example: the website which you came from, the amount of time spent on various areas of the network or any related site, browser software, any accessed information from the network and any downloaded pages. These common collected data do not identify you and give us no information regarding your personal details. None of your data will be disclosed in a way that identifies you personally, unless otherwise stated. Before using any of the services found in this network and reading any content, you are confirming that you understand the nature of this data collection and have read and understood this Privacy Policy. The Network will not gather, retain or disclose any standard data other than in collective user data forms.

Personal User Data

The only occasion on which we may receive personally identifiable information about you is if you, the user, knowingly and willingly provide us with the information via email. This information is voluntarily submitted at your discretion, and is optional and normally required so as to allow us to reply to your email and correspondence. The network will never share with advertisers or other third parties the aggregate results of the data it receives.

Security info

We follow generally accepted industry standards to protect your personal information, both during transmission and once we receive it. However no internet transmission method or electronic storage method is 100% secure, this means we cannot guarantee the absolute security of your personal information. For any questions, feel free to contact us.


At Shopping Pal, we don’t advocate in using cookies. In case our user changes settings, then our cookies are used to store those changes. But still, we do not store them or know how to trace you by them. As mentioned, we may use cookies in order to know how did you find us but with no relation to your search actions.

We also sampling part of the searches, but again, not in a personally identifiable way, as we do not store IP addresses or unique User ID.

Disabling Cookies

To disable cookies in your browser, follow the instructions in the pagese below: http: //

Further Policies

We will not disclose personally identifiable information you may choose to submit to the network to any third parties. We follow a strict policy of no spam and no sales of personally identifiable information.


Users of all ages are welcome to our content and services. If you are under the age of thirteen (13), we do, however, specifically request that you have the permission of parents or legal guardians to view any content within the network, as we cannot and will not be held responsible for any information received or disclosed by our users.


Peppin Raymond

27 Rue de Saintonge, 75003, Paris, France

[email protected]


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